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Contacting Professor Wandt

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish protocols for contacting Professor Wandt and members of his staff.

Scope: This policy applies to all current students of Professor Wandt or John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Open Door Policy: Professor Wandt strives to maintain a positive and academically encouraging environment for all students. To help meet this goal, Professor Wandt and his staff maintain an open-door policy, by which students are encouraged to ask questions and report concerns. If something about the course or your path forward is bothering you, or if you have a question, concern, idea, or problem related to the course, please discuss it with the Professor or a member of his staff as soon as possible. Professor Wandt is here to create an environment conducive to success. Problems are best addressed in their early phases. If for any reason you don’t feel comfortable bringing the matter to Professor Wandt, please know you can talk to his assistant or any member of his staff confidentially and without the Professor being informed, if requested.

Slack: Professor Wandt maintains a Slack community dedicated to maintaining individual, project and course communications with students. The Slack community is the primary way students should communicate with the Professor and his staff. Slack is a cloud based collaboration platform that provides secure one to one and group communications. To access Slack, visit Wandt Underground on Slack here: You must use your John Jay College email address when registering.

Meeting with Professor Wandt: The Professor is available for in person or virtual (zoom) meetings. Office hours must be scheduled at: [This service is currently offline due to security concerns. Please contact the Professor or his staff directly via Slack to make an appointment.]

Email: Professor Wandt does not accept email from students currently registered in his courses. All questions regarding course content or assignments should be submitted via Slack. Voicemail: Effective January 2, 2010, Professor Wandt will no longer accept voicemails as a method of communication. Voicemails will not be listened to or returned. Telephone: Effective August 1, 2010, Professor Wandt will no longer be using the telephone as a method of communication.

Project Gnosis: Effective September 1, 2017, Professor Wandt will no longer be using Project Gnosis as a method of communication. All features of Project Gnosis have been replaced by The Wandt Underground in Slack:

Zero-tolerance Policy on
Illegal Cyber Activity

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish clear guidelines regarding illegal and unethical cyber conduct.

Scope: This policy applies to all current students of Professor Wandt at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Legality of Conduct: Students are prohibited from conducting illegal, unethical, or prohibited cyber based activity. Students who conduct hands-on research must familiarize themselves with 18 USC 1030, NYS PL §156, NYS PL §250. Network or technical based cyber research may NOT be conducted outside of NYS.

Professor Wandt will NEVER give you permission to intercept live traffic.

Students conducting communication interception experiments must isolate themselves on experimental test networks. No live or actual packets or traffic may be intercepted.

Students are required to report illegal cyber activity of their classmates to the Professor.

Conducting illegal cyber activity in your personal life, even it is not associated with John Jay College, is grounds for removal and banning from all of Professor Wandt’s classes and educational programs.

Posting of Course Material

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish a moratorium on publicly posting or sharing course material.

Scope: This policy applies to all past and current students of Professor Wandt or John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Do Not Post Materials: No student may post course material (assignments, quizzes, exams, etc...) in any of Professor Wandt's courses on a publicly available website without his express written permission. This includes sites like Reddit and Course Hero.

Students found in violation of this policy will receive failing course grades. Disciplinary charges will be filed with the college.

Letters of Recommendation

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish transparent and well-documented guidelines for the issuance of letters of recommendation from Professor Wandt to his students.

Scope: This policy applies to all current and former students of Professor Wandt at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Letters of Recommendation: It is the intention of the Professor to only issue letters of recommendations to his best and brightest students.

Students applying for a letter of recommendation must meet the following criteria:

1) The student must have received the grade of "A" in every course taken with the Professor;
2) The student must have worked on a research project with the professor unrelated to standard course work (Advanced Projects Coursework qualifies);
3) The student must be, in the opinion of the Professor, of sound moral and ethical character;
4) The student must have excelled in their graduate education.

Students should apply for a letter of recommendation by sending a private slack message with the following information:
1) The position announcement or opportunity you are applying for;
2) A copy of your undergraduate and graduate transcript;
3) Your current résumé;
4) A bullet-point list of what you would like the letter to highlight.

A hyperlink to this policy will be included in the letter. Please allow three to four weeks for your final letter of recommendation to be completed.

The Use of Advanced Technology

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish expectations on the use of technology in Professor Wandt’s classes.

Scope: This policy applies to all current students of Professor Wandt at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Use of Advanced Technology: The Professor frequently uses advanced and cutting edge technology in his classes and classes he designs or supervises. Students should expect to use technology that they have not used before. Some of this technology may push students outside of their comfort zone.

Students who feel that a specific assignment raises security concerns or raises feelings that are uncomfortable should bring it to the attention of the Professor. While the assignment will still be required, modifications may be available.

Examples include, but are not limited to, the use of: alternative communication systems, alternative operating systems, social media, production of web videos, or traveling to offsite class locations.

Submission of Paper Assignments
(Carbon Footprint Reduction Policy)

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to adopt an environmentally responsible method of course and program administration. Professor Wandt is committed to reducing the carbon footprint of his courses, programs and initiatives.

Scope: This policy covers all courses, programs and initiatives developed or supervised by Professor Wandt or members of his staff.

Papers & Assignments: Effective January 1, 2010, Professor Wandt does not accept printed or "hard copies" of assignments. All assignments must be submitted electronically. This is a zero tolerance policy.

Course Materials: All course materials will be made electronically available to students. No printed materials will be distributed.

Exams: Effective Fall 2010, Professor Wandt's classes will not use bluebooks or other paper-based forms of evaluation. Student's will be required to utilize laptops for all in-class exams.

Textbooks: Effective Spring 2011, Professor Wandt will only assign textbooks that have eBook or digital formats available. Textbooks without digital alternatives will not be considered. [Exceptions are made for experemental courses]

Presentations and Handouts: Effective Fall 2010, students in Professor Wandt's classes may not use physical paper-based handouts in any presentation. Required handouts or materials must be made electronicly avalible to the class.

ADA Compliance: Exceptions to this policy will only be made as required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Assignment Deadlines

Deadlines: All assignments are due at 11:59pm on the due date specified in the syllabus or in class. Late assignments will receive an “F.” Assignments not submitted will receive a "0." This is a zero tolerance policy.

Extensions: Students may request additional time to complete an assignment by applying for an extension. Extensions cannot be granted the same day an assignment is due - for any reason. Applications for an extension should be submitted via private message in Slack and must contain the following information:
1) Student's name
2) Research topic
3) Assignment name
4) Current due date
5) Proposed adjusted due date
6) Current level of assignment development
7) Explain why you are requesting an extension

Policy on Commutable Diseases

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to prevent the spread of communicable disease.

Scope: This policy applies to all current students of Professor Wandt or John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

IF YOU’RE SICK… STAY AWAY: No student may come to class or Professor Wandt's office while sick with a potentially commutable disease. This includes, but is not limited to: Influenza, Respiratory Infections, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, SARS, or the Common Cold. Air on the side of Saftey!

No student may wear a medical face mask in class.

If you're sick... electronically notify the professor and stay away from him. You will not be penalized for missing class and the professor will assign someone to send you notes.

Disability Accommodations

“Qualified students with disabilities will be provided reasonable academic accommodations if determined eligible by the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS). Prior to granting disability accommodations in this course, the instructor must receive written verification of a student’s eligibility from the OAS which is located at 1233N (212-237-8144). It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with the office and to follow the established procedures for having the accommodation notice sent to the instructor.”

Source: Reasonable Accommodations: A Faculty Guide to Teaching College Students with Disabilities, 4th ed., City University of New York, p.3. (

Moratorium on Children in Class Sessions

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish an absolute moratorium on bringing children under the age of 18 to class sessions.

Scope: This policy applies to all current students of Professor Wandt or John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Children In Classes: The topics and content of most of Professor Wandt’s classes are inappropriate for children. Children under the age of 18 are not allowed in the Professor’s graduate level classes at anytime.

During Office Hours: You are welcome to bring your child, if needed, to office hours with Professor Wandt. Please provide advanced notice so that sensitive information can be secured.

Children’s Center: John Jay College has a high quality Children’s Center for childcare while you are in class. You can find additional information here: The John Jay College Children's Center

Bringing Guests to Class or Office Hours

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish an absolute moratorium on bringing children under the age of 18 to class sessions.

Scope: This policy applies to all current students of Professor Wandt or John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Children In Classes: The topics and content of most of Professor Wandt’s classes are inappropriate for children. Children under the age of 18 are not allowed in the Professor’s graduate level classes at anytime.

During Office Hours: You are welcome to bring your child, if needed, to office hours with Professor Wandt. Please provide advanced notice so that sensitive information can be secured.

Children’s Center: John Jay College has a high quality Children’s Center for childcare while you are in class. You can find additional information here: The John Jay College Children's Center


The City University of New York has adopted an Academic Integrity Policy:


"Academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York. Penalties for academic dishonesty include academic sanctions, such as failing or otherwise reduced grades, and/or disciplinary sanctions, including suspension or expulsion."

Students should review and familiarize themselves with CUNY's full Policy on Academic Integrity here:  CUNY Policy

Contacting the Professor
Illegal Cyber Activity
Posting of Course Material
Letters of Recommendation
The Use of Advanced Technology
Carbon Footprint Reduction
Assignment Deadline
Policy on Commutable Diseases
Disability Accommodations
Children in Class Sessions
Guest in Class Policy
Academic Integrity

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